Full integration of the De Facto® Stock Control Software eliminates the duplication of data entry between modules and provides real-time updates and postings of all transactions, ensuring that your management decisions are always based on the most up to date information. Full integration extends beyond simple transactions. Many standard features such as those listed below; provide a solution that is more than the sum of its parts:
Filing Cabinets
Provide online access to product images, data sheets and drawings.
Product Metrics
Provide the ability to store specific information per product type enabling users to search easily and select the correct product for client’s requirements or to publish product category data in concise grids to websites.
Product Restrictions
Enable the availability of product to be restricted to groups or individual customers.
Customer Specifications
Match customer’s requirements to only use products from pre-approved suppliers.
Supplier Specifications
Restrict the sale of specific products from suppliers to nominated customers.
Version Control
Specifications offer version control over documents and drawings issued and received from both customers and suppliers.
This information enables anyone to handle directly all manner of information requests. The combination of customer and product setup will also be applied to setup both fixed and default processing values for such information as Warehouse, Units of Measure, Quality and Haulier.
CRM Integration
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) integration provides the product control team with a wide variety of functionality such as supplier chase reminders, complaints handling, new product creation processing and a wide variety of configurable workflow options.
Financial Integration
In common with all distribution modules Stock Control is integrated on a real-time basis with the Financial suite. Postings are configured via highly flexible nominal interface tables, which as well as providing for the normal postings can be configured to handle a wide variety of additional postings, such as:
Cost Accounting
Handling storage charges, duty and inspection charges.
Quantitative Accounting
To allow quantity based data to be budgeted and analysed alongside value based data.
Production Integration
Allows bills of materials, production planning, works order processing and outside processing functionality to all be fully integrated with the core Stock Control module.
Contact us today to discuss your business needs with our software team.

01473 276555