More Detail
If you wish to return goods to a supplier, you create a credit directly from either a Goods Received Note (GRN) or purchase invoice, without the need to re-enter any information. Alternatively, you can create price only credits (invoices also) to correct pricing errors without the need to remove product from stock. These combined features ensure that the transactions are linked for correct margin analysis via the De Facto® Business Intelligence solution.
With the warranty control system implemented, you are also able to validate prospective returns against the warranty supply details and expiry date. This is especially useful for serial numbered products (e.g. electronics).
Picking and dispatching items back to a supplier is a fully traceable process through De Facto Stock Control Software and Warehouse Management System (WMS). Afterwards, the workflow process moves through to the matching of the credit when received from the supplier. The Purchase Order Processing integrated repair process uses De Facto Manufacturing Software, which will ensure that repaired components and exchanges are traceable back to the supplier.
Detailed returns analysis can be performed to meet internal and supplier requirements, which is ideal when dealing with large suppliers. The margin impact of the process can be highlighted within reporting generated by the Business Intelligence tool.
All documentation required for the post purchase transactions can be generated to any design, in many forms such as email, print and EDI etc. The options used can be set globally and / or defined by supplier, using the powerful document profile options.
Contact us today to discuss your business needs with our software team.

01473 276555