
Banking Software - Transaction Processing

Easy input

De Facto® makes transaction entry simple and improves accuracy


Transaction Processing


Our flexible transaction processing options enable you to save time and reduce errors

  • Record notes against transactions and make them comprehensible even for non-finance department users
  • Save time: minimise unnecessary key strokes during repetitive tasks with fast entry configuration and import transactions from external sources
  • Improve efficiency when processing BACS payments, direct debit instructions, consolidation payments and more 
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Work efficiently to save time and reduce errors

Flexible Transaction Entry and Processing

De Facto® functionality allows flexible entry and processing of many transaction types. Transactions can also be imported from external sources, either via files or directly in real-time using integration services.

Multiple References

All transactions have the ability to have multiple references (including system applied numbers) with comprehensive descriptions and notes held against both the transaction itself and each line item. These can be especially useful to prevent non-finance users having to request additional information from a finance department.

Filing Cabinet

Transactions can also take advantage of the systems 'Filing Cabinet' and Document Management module to store both originating documents and related data and, where applicable, automatically process instance spreadsheets to create transactions.

Batch Controls

To reduce errors, batch controls can be created for payments and receipts. 

De Facto functionality allows effective entry and processing of many different transaction types:

Receipts and Payments

Transactions posted within the Sales, Purchase and Nominal Ledgers are visible within the Banking module. Transactions may also be posted directly to those ledgers via banking.

BACS Payments

BACS payment output files are provided together with production and printing of cheques and remittances.

Direct Debit Collection

Files can be created to create direct debit instructions.


Online processing is supported via the De Facto online payment integration (OLP) module for web based, mail or telephone ordering or Customer Present / Chip and Pin transactions. Online processing requires additional third party services and charges.

Consolidate Payments

The facility allows payments or receipts to be grouped to match bank statement entries for easier reconciliation.

Get in touch

Contact us today to discuss your business needs with our software team.
Phone icon  01473 276555

De Facto Software Ltd.
Epsilon House
West Road
Ransomes Europark


01473 276555

Office Hours

Monday — Friday