This is the core of the De Facto® Stock Control Software; a comprehensive database is maintained of all product related data required throughout the Distribution and Manufacturing suite. Data is also maintained centrally for use in websites and Business Intelligence analysis.
The system allows capture of a vast array of product information as standard. Further business-specific information can be easily added in user-definable tables and columns that can be used throughout De Facto, in BI+ Reporting and on websites. Document based data such as drawings, data sheets and images can be held against each product for use in product enquires throughout the system and websites.
New products can be created manually, using configurable wizards or a 'base on' function. Wizards allow selection of a product profile group to pre-fill key information, with the user then inputting product specific data to create a fully defined product with ease. Products can also be generated using a 'base on' function copying a similar product as a template to create a group of new products with identical properties, except for the code and description that can be pasted in from a spreadsheet.
In many types of distribution and manufacturing it is necessary to maintain full product traceability and also to control the quality and handling of specific batches, lots or individual pieces of stock. De Facto provides a number of core features that support businesses requiring this functionality.
Units of Measure
Multiple units of measure (UOM) can be defined for a product within a single product code. These units of measure can be a hierarchy of quantities of a counted item or can be discrete packs of the same material with a variable weight, volume or linear dimension.
Variable units of measure or catchweights allow a product to be measured as a quantity of items that also have a variable measure, such as their weight, volume, linear dimension, or some form of strength such as 'specific gravity' or 'purity'.
Important controls are provided at a product level which will set where the system should allow different units of measure to be substituted, for example to allow 60 cases of product to be picked when the customer requires a pallet which would normally comprise of 60 cases. Product settings will also define whether units should be automatically split or broken down, to prevent fractions of product being held in stock, for example the picking of a case of product from a pallet would leave 59 cases rather than 0.98333 of a pallet.
Basic Details
The essential product details consist of a primary Product Code of up to 25 characters and main description of up to 80 characters. These can then be supplemented with a secondary and extended long description if required.
Electronic Document Interchange (EDI) and European Article Number (EAN)
References are held for both the product and unit of measure to enable accurate import and analysis.
Non Stock
Products can be created which are either 'Stock' or 'Non Stock' in the case of non-stock items they can be used as simple charge items or to perform calculations.
External Codes
External codes, used by business’ customers, suppliers or industry, can be held in lists which will map a product against an external set of product details. These lists can be used to input external data codes into transactions, translate EDI documents and output onto business documents. A secondary benefit of this approach provides the ability to maintain and utilise multi-lingual product descriptions.
Alternative Codes
Can be configured allowing the sales team the ability to cross and up sell easily, or simply provide quick access to alternate products when the requested item is out of stock.
Associated Items
Provide an efficient way to configure the automated or optional adding of related products to sales and purchase order transactions.
Product Metrics
The feature will allow a specific set of properties to be defined and held per product group. These can be for any type of data and can also be nested so sets of properties common between product groups need only be defined once. Metric properties are available to display and utilise for individual products or as tables for whole product groups.
Waste Packaging
Waste material usage of each product is stored, and therefore movement, can be defined. This information can be used to complete for example 'Valpak' reports, both in summary and per customer.
Product Groups
Provide facilities for multiple levels of analysis codes on products and on transactions, at both the header and the detail levels. These have user-definable titles and choice lists. Many standard reports can then use these to select and sort data and they are available as dimensions with the BI+ reporting cubes.
VAT, Intrastat and Tariff Codes
VAT, Intrastat and Tariff Codes are defined for each product, allowing easy completion and online submission of Intrastat returns. Calculation of duty accruals can be based on Tariff and duty codes and rates. These are supplemented by flexible handling of special VAT for service and other transaction types.
This feature is ideal for those that require strict version control over drawings, specification and certifications relating to products, material and their suppliers, as well as customer specified requirements. The system ensures that product is only sourced from certified suppliers and that it is purchased in accordance with the correct drawings and specifications. It will then ensure that products supplied to customers are fully compliant with their specifications.
Contact us today to discuss your business needs with our software team.

01473 276555