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Supplier Creation
Comprehensive supplier records can be created from in the Purchase Ledger, in the Purchase Order System (during entry of a transaction) or by converting a prospect. Suppliers can be created as prospective for later approval and upgraded to Active status. They can also be set to inactive to prevent inadvertent use.
When manually creating suppliers, “Wizard” functionality can be used to guide the user through the process. The wizard process allows default and choice values to be specified and validated.
Comprehensive Supplier Database
The supplier records are extremely comprehensive and include unlimited address and contact data. As well as the extensive standard data held to provide the functionality listed below, the system also allows unlimited user-defined additional tables and columns of data to be defined for suppliers, addresses and contacts.
Supplier Analysis
Analysis codes and market profile information such as supplier category, status, grading and payment groups can be created and are then used within Customer Relationship Management. An example of this would be to manage workflows and within the De Facto® BI Cube to analyse purchase and sales activity. Account handlers can be linked to supplier accounts for purchasing. Further analysis codes are available at a transaction level which can then be combined with other product related analysis for use within the BI+ module for extensive reporting.
Budgets and Forecasts
Purchase budgets and forecasts can be held at the supplier account and also exploded down to the product level, this budget data then being used as comparative data within Business Intelligence reporting. For any information that is being provided back to suppliers their own product codes, descriptions and product grouping can be combined with any other related data. A history of products purchased is maintained and easily accessed. The history also includes special handling notes, pricing, quantities and warranty information.
Order Processing Preferences
Comprehensive price and discount structures can be linked to the supplier. Additionally, price and discount structures can be shared between supplier groups when required.
Preferences can be set to dictate how the Purchase Order System will work for the supplier at a product level and to enable preferences such units of measure and target lead days to be set. This can also include technical product requirements such as product source authorisation or shelf life requirements, both of which can be combined to allow the order processing system to create appropriate “Lots” or “Batches” of product.
Automated Ordering
Facilities are provided by the Stock Control and Purchase Order Processing modules that will allow orders to be generated for the supplier using sophisticated re order formulas.
Statutory Information
VAT handling and SSD template information can be set at both the supplier and delivery point level for compliance purposes, this includes information required to ship to a delivery point as an under bond shipment.
Contact us today to discuss your business needs with our software team.

01473 276555