The Manufacturing Software is based around a highly flexible Bill of Materials (BOM) structure. Each BOM specifies the inputs and outputs. Multiple BOMs for a given product can be stored to allow support for different scales and types of manufacturing process.
Create Bill of Materials
Output of BOMs can be finished products or interim assemblies for onward use in other BOMs. Inputs can be products from stock, other BOMs and labour operations.
De Facto® Manufacturing Software allows flexible set up, with BOMs being viewed very differently in each business sector. Examples could be:
Both output and input items can have standard and minimum quantities. Inputs can be excluded from cost calculations and outputs can receive no cost if required.
Additional features of Bill of Materials include:
Multiple BOMs
Multiple BOMs can be stored for a single output e.g. for production using different equipment.
Operations can be included within the BOMs. These will then enable labour to be booked against them during Works Order processing.
Procedures be defined as part of a standard library and re-used with the BOM or may be defined specifically for the BOMs. The procedures can be related to any component or operation within the BOM. They can also be combined with a number of standard texts that are used to create a complete and comprehensive works order and operational document set.
Drawings can be linked to or embedded with the BOM filing cabinet. These can include diagrams, photographs, CAD drawings and CAM files. These can be output as part of or in addition to works orders.
Version Control
Bills of material are fully version controlled with the ability to track changes between versions. Each works order generated will also store the version number and this can be configured to become a property of the output product.
Setup Times
Bills of Materials can specify appropriate initial and repeat setup times, along with minimum quantities for yield based outputs or fixed quantities for consumable items such as spools.
Waste allowances can be specified on the inputs for BOM resulting in an increase in the quantity required. Waste products created in the outputs of a BOM can be set as having no production cost in the product created in the Stock Control module.
Different types of BOM can be defined using differing parameter set-ups. The types can generate different accounting treatment and documents. A cost allocation method can also be chosen. This is useful when producing multiple outputs from a single works order which may require a flexible allocation of cost across the outputs.
Re-usable Components
Can be defined as inputs and have the effect of returning the product back to stock after completion of the works order. These could be used for tooling and jig handling.
Manufacturing Programs
Inputs can have a machine and program specified, which can be used for integration into direct downloads to manufacturing programs used to run certain equipment.
Fly Kitting
The user is allowed to build and price the assembly 'on the fly' during the Sales Order entry. Once defined, the kit is handled in the same way as other assemblies.
Outputs Apportionment
The outputs apportionment feature allows users to input materials with quality related measurements. This feature is useful for fresh produce industries to create flexibility.
Contact us today to discuss your business needs with our software team.

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